Details Surface on Rubber Gloves Sale

The website for Denton Central Appraisal District has listed OBE Properties LLC as the current owner of Rubber Gloves Rehearsal Studios property at 411 E. Sycamore Street. OBE Properties was officially registered Feb. 14, 2018 by Dr. Robert Houdek.

According to a 2017 notice, the appraised value of the property is listed at $381,766. The final sale price has yet to be confirmed. The property originally opened with an asking price of $990,000 then dropped down to $699,900 before Central Track reported the property had been sold. 

Josh Baish told Central Track that he would be working in tandem with the new owner of Rubber Gloves.

Dr. Houdek is a retired optometrist and an involved member of the community. He is on the board of Serve Denton, and he is on the committee for Industrial Street Pop Fest. Dr. Houdek and his wife are also listed as production angels of Denton Community Theatre's performance of Heathers: The Musical. He also co-produced a documentary about the desegregation of Denton High School's football team called When We Were All Broncos. Dr. Houdek was not available for immediate comment.

This is a developing story

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Header image layout designed by Mateo Granados