Monday Mixtape: January 7, 2019

Monday is the best day of the week, because by the time it’s Friday you’re wondering where the fuck Monday went. This Monday Mixtape will be a big part in your journey to achieve your goals this week. I know I have some catching up to do in my first week as music editor.

Oh I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Mateo Granados and I fucking love music. Hope you dig these tunes.

Thin Skin - macdonald’s (bingo)

I’m not prone to doing this with my personal mixtapes, but today we’re starting with my favorite song of the mix. Maybe I need to listen to Eat Avery’s Bones again, but for now I consider Thin Skin the most fun band to listen to. Enjoy this fast song about fast food and that cashier that’s always on the cell phone while you’re making terrible dining decisions.

MAH KEE OH - Double Negative

Second but not least is a music act I wish a hell of a lot more people knew about. It’s always a treat when this guy Grahm surprises me with new music on Bandcamp. MAH KEE OH is garage rock if the garage is a bedroom. “Double Negative” is carried by a persistent drum beat that journeys into a dreamy atmosphere despite its rough mood.

SadZac - I Never Sleep Because Sleep is the Cousin of Death

Reminds me of Pavement to be honest. Sad music always gets me. Get lo-fi with this one.

Don Cabo - Racks of Stacks (feat. Money Maker Don Johnson)

Don Cabo is an ensemble of fantastic musicians laying down feats of hip-hop combined with subtle elements of jazz and smooth-flowing lyricists. The lineup includes David Gore of Dome Dwellers on drums. This is the coolest song you can listen to this week.

Wesley Jensen - Something Blue

My favorite thing about Wesley Jensen’s brand of pop music is that he seems to always be tinkering with his sound. My perception is that Jensen resides in a comfort zone where’s he playfully poking at different ways to structure his music. “Something Blue” is an ear worm, but it’s not the kind you feign annoyance at for getting into your head.

i, the Ghost - Nightfall

i, the Ghost released their Nightfall EP as a goodbye. A few days ago on Facebook they released this album with the sad news that the band won’t be making any new music. So it goes, but some of my favorite listening sessions are when I listen to inactive bands. This mixtape concludes with the soothing atmospheric sounds of i, the Ghost.

Header image by Garrett Smith.

Header image design by Kylie Phillips.