STREAM: Mountain Song - "7" Single"

Mountain Song has this amazing ability to make any performance sound like it’s meant for both a large, sacred gathering and an intimate group of close friends gathered in a friend's living room.

Their March release of 7” Single features the two tracks “Major Way” and “All My Days,” both of which are transcendental in their imagery and chilling in their soft intensity. “Major Way” begins with the musings, “Daylight again / or is just rain and lightning? Or is it just an illusory vision in your head?” before the snare pierces through to underscore this illumination. Harmonizing of their textured vocals waves through the song, working in conjunction with their electronic instrumentation for a unique sound.

“All My Days” follows, setting the stage with imagery of rivers and waterfalls and more than bodies of water, they are stages upon which the human experience can be witnessed, lived, changed, and left to fate. “When the aquifer refills the lake / when the seasons quickly change / when I saw you jump the waterfall / I had to leave it up to fate.” A similar sound is heard in this track, with more flourish from the percussion.

These two songs provide a taste of the full-length LP audiences can expect from Mountain Song later this year. Their songs are like a musical Walden, not taking for granted the harmony and beauty of nature and how that is the base for all that is good. That kind of introspection is broadcast so well in their harmonies, grounded with a driving instrumentation. I’m curious to see what different flourishes and tempos the rest of the LP will feature, and hope to hear more of their self-proclaimed “fire cathedral music” in a large or intimate setting in the near future.

Check out the 7” Single on Bandcamp.

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