Photoset: Pagan Pop-Up

the sheets
Springtime and the Changes
The Delzells
Ray Batte + Aditi Saraab
Marrow & Moss + Brujaus
@ Armadillo Ale Works

Popping off the top of this weekend like no other Sunday brunch could, local illustrative brand and magic art collective Marrow & Moss and Brujaus unleashed their Pagan Pop-Up event unto the eager masses, end of last weekend. Presenting a pantheon of empowerment, remedy, and homespun craft and witchery, this function was truly polytheistic in its divine offerings. Later Gator Catering indulged our primal urges of hunger; and so we ask you to indulge, if you will, in the pleasures reaped from the toil of the earth, which The Dentonite had the pleasure to witness and capture, this last weekend - set, of course, to the stylings of your favorite local punk bands. Tarry no longer in your mundane mortal musings, y’all -

Just get with it, here:

Header image design by Kylie Phillips