Briggs Runs Unopposed in District 2 Race
District 2 appears to be pleased with their current city council representative, Keely Briggs, who is running as an unopposed incumbent in this year's election. As we have made our way through numerous panels and forums, Briggs has honorably given up her mic time to the other districts, and has taken to her blog to address the issues and questions current candidates are facing.
Making large strides during her first term, Briggs' proudest accomplishments are “working to initiate change in the leadership at City Hall. We are seeing a freshly energized attitude of service and transparency,” she says. Briggs has put forth an enormous effort to be available to D2, staying within their reach so they know they have a representative who cares and wants to stay involved and knowledgeable about their concerns. Briggs has accomplished this by holding monthly town hall meetings at the North Branch Library, regularly posting on her blog, and sending out email newsletters, so that she can continue to “narrow the gap between citizens and their government and services by talking to the people I was elected to represent.”
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The first term is a huge learning experience for city council members. They become extremely integrated into the happenings of the city and have a lot of difficult decisions to make to ensure they are representing the desires of their district to the best of their abilities. “You have to take in all the input from constituents, stake holders, staff, do your own research, deliberate with fellow council members, and make a decision that you feel is best for the community. You can't let the negative feedback jade you. You can't let the positive feedback blind you. Take it all in stride and keep communicating with the people you represent whether you agree with each other or not. The other thing I have learned is that there really aren't party politics in our city government. Council is a non-partisan political position. I think that is hard for people to believe. Most of what we deal with is keeping the utilities working, roads, and public safety... those aren't political party issues. It's refreshing, really. Community over party,” explains Briggs.
Running uncontested, Briggs has had time to really reflect on her first term and look ahead to what she can achieve and continue to push for in her second term. She plans to focus on local commerce, economic development incentive policies, and building up the neighborhood quality of life past the Square into the communities that drives those businesses. Briggs wants to make sure we “protect and increase our green-space” and “expand solar programs for residents and business” and continue to “increase the level of trust the citizens have in their local government by having this thing we call the City of Denton Municipal Government double down on honest, clear, proactive, meaningful, and frequent communication with our citizens,” with so much already being accomplished with transparency in her first term.
A love for this town drives many to run for a city council position, and for Briggs it is no different, including the inspiration of her children, her neighborhood, and the desire to address the lack of diversity in leadership. A long-time Denton resident, some of her fondest memories include getting married outside the Little Chapel in the Woods with the Gourds playing the reception and dinner at her mother-in-law's house every Sunday with her whole family. When she isn’t hosting a house show and enjoying the weather with friends and family, you can probably catch her rocking out to Sam Roberts in her car. Briggs's down-to-earth persona, passion for enhancing all aspects of the city, and taking care of those in her community are surely what have led her into, what has great possibility to be, a very successful second term.